Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

#25 Thyroid Cancer Symptoms & Early Warning Signs



This video is all about thyroid cancer symptoms and early warning signs you may have cancer. This is a topic worth discussing because many people who believe they have thyroid cancer probably don't. The good news is that even though thyroid cancer is fairly common, it has a great survival rate with a 5-year survival rate of around 98%. So, even if you do have thyroid cancer, it's one of the better types of cancers to have. An interesting fact about thyroid cancer is that it typically does NOT cause any symptoms. In fact, most people who are diagnosed with thyroid cancer present to their doctor with a normal exam and without any symptoms. In some cases, however, if your cancer is sufficiently large then it may cause problems to nearby structures in your neck. Your neck is a tight place which means that if anything grows in that area it may push on or bump into other structures which may result in symptoms. With that in mind, if your cancer is large enough it may present with the following symptom