Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

(TBS #23) 5 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Thyroid Today



Today is lesson #23 and we are talking about how to boost your thyroid function and what you can do today. Why would you want to boost your thyroid function, to begin with? For starters, your thyroid helps regulate your metabolism, controls your mood and helps regulate other hormones in your body. Those with thyroid issues often suffer from depression, anxiety, weight gain, and so on. The struggle, when it comes to your thyroid, is that it can be difficult to get proper treatment, especially when using thyroid medication. But don't worry! You can use some tips to help improve your thyroid. #1. Take your thyroid medication at night - Taking your thyroid medication at night may improve how well your body can absorb your medication and has been shown to increase free T3 levels in some people. This simple change may improve your thyroid! #2. Take thyroid enhancing supplements - Supplements like Zinc and Selenium are required for thyroid function and conversion and many people are deficient. By taking