Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

(TBS #6) The Thyroid Weight Gain Paradox & Why You Can't Lose Weight



This lesson is all about what thyroid function and weight gain and what I call the thyroid weight gain paradox. The paradox is easily explained in this way: We know that hypothyroidism leads to weight gain but why doesn't taking thyroid medication lead to weight loss? At least in the majority of the cases. You have to accept that we either don't treat thyroid patients correctly or that hypothyroidism doesn't lead to weight gain, you can't have it both ways. This video outlines how and why thyroid patients tend to gain weight which is primarily about hormones and not calories. Calories are important insofar as they impact hormone function but it is hormone function that drives the weight! You'll also learn the most common hormone imbalances in thyroid patients that lead to weight gain (insulin, leptin and sex hormones) and how to avoid getting "thyroid tunnel vision". Hey guys! I'm Dr. Westin Childs and I focus on thyroid health, hormone balance, and weight loss. I write about thyroid disorders,