Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Q & A #3: Nature throid dosing, Side Effects, Transitioning from T4 and more



This question and answer will focus on a blog post about natur ethroid. Naturethroid is an NDT medication which contains T4 + T3 thyroid hormones. Many people believe NDT is one of the best medications, and this video addresses some of the issues that people have when starting this medication. Questions include: - How to deal with hair loss on naturethroid - How to transition from T4 to NDT - How to deal with side effects from NDT - And more... Hey guys! I'm Dr. Westin Childs and I focus on thyroid health, hormone balance, and weight loss. I write about thyroid disorders, weight loss, insulin resistance, estrogen/progesterone balance on my blog. I truly believe that hormone balance is the key to managing your weight, your mood and your quality of life which is why I'm so passionate about it. I take a personalized/functional medicine approach to management of conditions. I'm not accepting patients but you can learn more and get plenty of information on my blog! You can learn more about high-quali