Karen Swain Atp Radio

William Linville The REAL KPAX StarSeed from Sirius



See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-4Ef What an AMAZING conversation I have with William Linville, who is a divine presence of clear creator consciousness, who has transcended all of the lower levels of physical form, as well as all of the survival levels of the physical makeup, that came with an embodiment which he stepped into on a surgery table in 1996. William is here on the planet to assist you to clear out egoic conflicts and structures, which have held you back from fully and completely marrying with your higher levels and your lower levels. THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE ks. Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul's calling. Connect with KAren Swain here http://karenswain.com/ and download her free report '10 Top Ways to Lasting Happiness'. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberat