Karen Swain Atp Radio

Kathleen Marden Healing Alien Abductions



See more and get her books here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3Vk Join fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/AwakeningEmpowermentNetwork/ What a FASCINATING conversation I had with Kathleen Marden this week for Accentuate the Positive Media with KAren Swain. She spoke about her relationship with her relatives Betty and Barney Hill, and told us things about their experiences she's never revealed before. We also spoke about the healing journey from fear to Love inside the Alien Abduction phenomena! Enjoy Support your spiritual journey and Support this show, with a private session with KAREN https://karenswain.com/sessions/ Appreciate KAren Swain's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU