Karen Swain Atp Radio

Penny Kelly Planet Earth & Coming Changes



See more & GET Penny's Books Here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3dV Join our fb Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/AwakeningEmpowermentNetwork/ In this conversation with Penny Kelly, we discuss the prophecy from the Robes, little men in brown robes, who came to Penney 40 years ago to show her the coming changes of earth and human society. We also discuss her latest book, Consciousness and Energy #4, about where we went wrong and how we can change this, and if there will be a micronova event in this life time.... Appreciate KAren Swain's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU