Karen Swain Atp Radio

Bobbie Richardson



See more here https://karenswain.com/bobbie-richardson/ Visit our fb ATP Media Page for updates & Inspiriation https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateThePositiveRadio/ Listen to my fascinating conversation with Artist and Consciousness teacher Bobbie Richardson, we really get into how we create our reality after the first hour and towards the end. Enjoy! Bobbie Richardson a New Zealand Artist, Author, Singer Songwriter,  Speaker, was gifted from birth, to see into and visit other dimensions, allowing beings in these frequencies to visit her and give messages to her. After a few years of many visitations and visual messages, she slowly pieced together these messages by asking big questions like... What is humanity’s true history? What is Human Potential? and What is reality? Get her book and See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3qs Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU