Karen Swain Atp Radio

Barbara Jean Lindsey ET NDE



https://karenswain.com/barbara-jean-lindsey/ Barbara Jean Lindsey NDE and Meeting the ET Lion being Sekhmet. In 1989, Barbara Jean had an extraordinary Near-Death-Experience; after full-body channeling an ancient Egyptian being, her lungs collapsed, killing her in front of a live audience. Over the next few days she fought for her life. Barbara Jean’s story, journey and transformation are chronicled in her autobiography, “Dying for the Light.” Her latest book, “Seized by Sekhmet, An Egyptian Goddess Revolution,” was published on Amazon in August 2018. Her next book “Ambassador of the Light,” an innovative guide in the search for truth and knowledge of our ancestral galactic connections coming in the fall of 2019. GET Barbara's BOOKS and See More Here https://karenswain.com/barbara-jean-lindsey/(opens in a new tab)