Karen Swain Atp Radio

Clayton John Ainger The Ego Code



http://karenswain.com/clayton-john-ainger/ I chat with spiritual teacher, corporate coach, psychic medium and international speaker Clayton John Ainger about ‘the Magic Shop of Creation’. We hear about his journey going from an accountant to Spiritual teacher and hear about his spiritual download in a meditation at Stonehenge and how this changed his life and gave him the material for his Book. We explore how to shift physical reality by molding our energy flow, and discuss what a soul mate relationship is vs a twin flame relationship. We touch on global Politics, the breakdown of our current systems, the future and how we can overcome stress by being more self empowered and how learning how to flow our energy will be the schools of the future. It is a fascinating chat. Enjoy! Find out more and get the book here http://karenswain.com/clayton-john-ainger/