Karen Swain Atp Radio




http://karenswain.com/sherry-wilde/ Listen to Sherry Wilde tell some of her fascinating story remembering her encounters with extraterrestrial beings from another race and world. Hear why she had so many contacts, or abductions with them, and what their message is for humanity. Her journey is outlined in her wonderful book The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family I love this conversation and the messages it contains. We come from realms of unimaginable LOVE that most other worlds know about. They seem to feel a stronger connection with our source of Love and even though they may look so different to us, they are far more connected to love and each other. Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world. No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phe