Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

August Angel Reading



There is so much to share in this episode. Usually before I record an episode I will sit down and tune into the energy and receive guidance. This month the information just kept coming through… so it’s a bit longer than usual but worth the extra time spent listening! ;) I start with the theme for August and we see this theme reflected throughout the reading, confirming it’s significance. I also delve into: - Key astrological dates for the month and their meaning. - The major significance of the Lions Gate and New Moon on the same date. - How to connect with the energy and work with your Angels and guides. - The Angel cards for the month ahead and their guidance. - Why it’s so important to step into your power in August. You’ll begin to notice a shift in your energy just listening to this forecast but if you want to go deeper, there is still opportunity to join myself and Shereen Öberg for the Live Lions Gate and New Moon session. You can find out more here: Looking forw