Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Manifesting Dreams, Purpose & Abundance with Monica Vallero



Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Monica Vallero. I just loved her story and the journey she has been on. Monica started out as an actress, comedian and filmmaker before deciding to become a clinical hypnotherapist and success coach and transforming her life in huge ways. She now empowers her clients and students to live the life of their dreams. In this episode we chat about: - How she listened to her heart and made a decision to follow a dream. - The importance of life purpose and how to live it. - Why “abundance is your birthright”. - How to rewire your mind to wealth. - How to work with the laws of the universe and your higher-self in your life and your heart centred business. And so much more! If you’ve been struggling with lack of direction or financial lack, let this conversation open the door to abundance, prosperity and purpose in your life. Monica herself is proof that it is possible to live your dreams in a big way! Enjoy this inspiring episode. LINKS: Lions Gate Portal & Leo New