Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 01: Discovering Your Spiritual Superpower



In this first episode I’m chatting with a good friend and founder of Angelic Connections, Debbie Boyle about discovering your spiritual superpower! If you’ve ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are, or if you even have any, this one is for you! You’ll discover: - Debbie’s transformative journey from stress to spirituality. - What really happens when you first step onto your spiritual path. - Her tips to begin opening up to your own spiritual gifts. - What to do if you’re feeling blocked. - How to best use your gifts. - The one spiritual practice that Debbie recommends everyone should do. I loved chatting with Debbie and I just know you’ll love what she has to say. Enjoy listening and please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes to get instant updates about new episodes.