Kyle Coplen's Revolving Door

Episode 9 - Have You Ever Had a Dream Like THIS?



Listen to this; There is a door. Behind this door there is a man. This man is wearing a suit. The suit is tweed. You do not like the suit. No one likes the suit. The man, however, is too well connected to say anything about his hideous suit. I mean, you don't want to take a stand on something trivial like a tweed suit, and ruin your chances of upward mobility, right? So you don't say anything about the tweed suit. Also, the man has a tattoo of a white rabbit on his left shoulder. You are the one who shared this information. No one questions why you know this. Welcome to this week's episode of Kyle Coplen's Revolving Door The mirror is the void and your reflection is infinite. Time is, of course, relative. Yours in speculative reality, Ben Hur.