Not Another Film Podcast

Digimon the Movie (feat. Daniel Etti-Williams)



This week the gang is joined by first-time guest & genius behind The Vanishing Act, Daniel Etti-Williams to dig-evolve into champions with Digimon the Movie. We get into the pros & cons of having a digital monster companion, what the deeper philosophical connotations of a kids show that traps its protagonists in “The Digital World”, and how absolutely wild all of this was to one member of the pod who had never seen the show or movie at all. Be sure to check out Eric’s other podcast The Living Force for all of your Star Wars Extended Universe needs! Also check out the trailer for The Vanishing Act, a new narrative podcast coming soon from us, your humble millennial film critics! It’s already in your feed, may as well listen! A huge thank you to all essential workers, thank you for keeping us safe. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes, like us/Follow us on Instagram/twitter: @filmanother. Send us your requests to This week we’re highlighting the Chicago F