Toledo Matters Podcast

Episode 25 - Romules Durant



Episode 25 of the Toledo Matters Podcast – Dr. Romules Durant, Superintendent of TPS ——————————————————— With Bob Tucker, Danny Woodcock, & Nathan Lewis ——————————————————— Fun things in the 419 Friday August 5th - Summer Brewfest @ Hensville. Over TWO HUNDRED craft beers from 50 different breweries. VIP Tickets only $45presale /$55 at the door. General Admission $25 presale/$35 at the door. More info at Saturday, August 13th - Toledo Jeep Fest. One-day, family-friendly festival including a car show, Jeep Parade and get this, it’s free. But to be in the parade or car show you gotta register. Head over to Facebook and look up Toledo Jeep Fest for more info! ——————————– Today’s Guests: *** Dr. Romules Durant *** * Superintendent Toledo Public Schools * Toledo Matters trivia master Find Dr. Durant on twitter --- @romules_ Favorite hidden gem in Toledo: Educational Resources spread out in the community; Imagination Station. Art Museum. Toledo Public Libraries. and the Art Museum is FREE!