Pierce Point Community Church

Values in Life (2019)



Values and reasons. This morning, we're going to spend our time discussing values and reasons. Every one of us has values, and every one of us has reasons for those particular values. And this is true whether we're aware of it or not. For example, as Christians, we value reading the Bible. Some might value reading the Bible because they were raised a certain way. Mom and dad read it, grandma and grandpa read it and on it goes. Reading the Bible is the value, and the reason is tradition. Still, others have more superstitious reasons. Some people believe that reading the Bible will necessarily make things go better in their life. This is entirely untrue. An atheist could read the Bible every day, but unless they submit themselves to the author of the Bible (the redeemer of humanity), nothing will change. The Bible isn't a rabbit's foot, but neither is a rabbit's foot for that matter. Still, others might say that their reason is to earn their way to God. Of course, no one will ever say it this way, but it is