Health For Your Truest Self

"Morning Rituals" - Part One with Rachelle Atkinson



Do you have a daily practice in the morning that creates some awesome morning mojo? If you're like many of us, a typical pattern is to roll out of bed, grab a cup of coffee and dive right into all the demands and stressors of the day.  Our subconscious mind is programmed toward old thoughts and emotional patterns of stress, anxiety or lack, so unless we "catch" those toxic thoughts or emotions right as we're waking up, they will literally RUN our day.  How do we get out of these old thought patterns and create lasting change? From a scientific standpoint, there are two times in the day where your brain's neuroplasticity is at its peak - meaning the brain is most open to change. One such time is right as you're waking up in the morning.  So rather than waking up and tuning into an old thought pattern or emotional stressor, consider something new.  Morning Ritual = a daily morning routine that sets you up for an awesome day - physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually  Mornings are like the rudder