Health For Your Truest Self

What To Do When You Get Stuck



Have you ever experienced then weird phenomenon where you give yourself a rule, then next thing know, you’re breaking it? Like this. You decide to get off sugar. You’re aware of the dangers of sugar. You know that Americans are an average of 164 lbs of sugar a year. Sugar is NO BUENO and you’re convinced. So you promise yourself, “no more sugar”. Then BAM, out of the blue, you’re hit with a hankering to eat a pan of brownies. You eat them. You get mad at yourself. You feel stuck. Then you wonder “what just happened?” Say hello to “Resistance” - the sneaky saboteur of our goals and aspirations. And not just with health. Anything that has to do with personal development, spiritual development, creative or entrepreneurial work in the world. Resistance is universal and unrelenting to the point that we can feel that there’s actually something intrinsically wrong with us. Makes us second guess what we previously thought was a bright idea. Makes us feel stuck. Now, resistance isn’t all bad. It ac