Guitars & Granola Bars

#69 - Confessions of a Music Therapist



This week it’s just me, recording a solo episode for the first time since the beginning of the summer. I’ve been having so much fun chatting with my co-host, Jaime, and I hope you’ve been enjoying our episodes together, too. But in today’s episode, I want to address a topic that I haven’t talked much about publicly, hence this week’s title. The confession I’m about to make is one that I’ve held back from sharing because honestly, I’ve been a little scared to, especially amongst my fellow music therapists. I’ve been putting it off for a while, but I feel like there’s no better time than now. I started this podcast because I wanted a place to have honest conversations about the intersection of my professional and personal lives, and that’s exactly what today’s episode is. Let's continue the conversation in the comments of the show notes page over at or you can always email me, Thanks so much for listening!