Guitars & Granola Bars

#51 - The B.C. (Before Children) Days



Thank you so much for joining me here on Guitars & Granola Bars. I’m your host, Rachel Rambach, and this podcast is for women like me who are balancing a passion-fueled career with being a mom. In my former life, which I call the B.C. — before children — days, my world revolved around work and music. A lot has changed since having two kids, but I’ve felt a little bit of the B.C. me surfacing, and I’m kind of loving it. To see the show notes for this episode, head over to I would love to know what YOU’D like to hear on Season 2 of the podcast, so feel free to leave a comment on the show notes page or email me at You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram, @rachelrambach. And last but not least, please consider rating and reviewing the show on iTunes if you liked what you heard. The Guitars & Granola Bars podcast is brought to you by Listen & Learn Plus, a premium site for music therapists, music educators, parents and anyone else who wants to give