Guitars & Granola Bars

#50 - My MOST EFFECTIVE Form of Self-Care



Thank you so much for joining me here on Guitars & Granola Bars. I’m your host, Rachel Rambach, and this podcast is for women like me who are balancing a passion-fueled career with being a mom. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my number one strategy for staying on track mentally and emotionally. It is probably going to sound way too simple, but it really is THE MOST effective form of self-care, at least in my experience. Thank you so much for listening. To see the show notes for this episode, head over to I would love to know what YOU’D like to hear on Season 2 of the podcast, so feel free to leave a comment on the show notes page or email me at You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram, @rachelrambach. And last but not least, please consider rating and reviewing the show on iTunes if you liked what you heard. The Guitars & Granola Bars podcast is brought to you by Listen & Learn Plus, a premium site for music therapists, music educators, parent