Guitars & Granola Bars

#49 - The Longest, Shortest, Hardest, Best-est Year



Thank you so much for joining me here on Guitars & Granola Bars. I’m your host, Rachel Rambach, and this podcast is for women like me who are balancing a passion-fueled career with being a mom. If you listened to Season 1, then you know that each episode featured a different guest who shared their experiences and advice when it comes to music therapy and parenthood. I interviewed 44 awesome moms (and 4 awesome dads) and learned so much from them in the process. But I’m doing things a little differently in Season 2. There will be some interviews here and there, but mostly I’ll be going solo — sharing my trials, tribulations, tips, and strategies from the trenches of motherhood and my career as a music therapist and business owner. “In the trenches” is the perfect way to describe this past year of my life, during which I became a mom of two and stepped up my career to full tilt, all at the same time. I’d like to kick off Season 2 by sharing an essay I wrote for my blog which I titled “The Longest, Short