Guitars & Granola Bars

Episode 2 // Tamara Leszner-Rovet



In this episode, I’m chatting with Tamara Leszner-Rovet. Tamara talks about maternity leave in Canada, how she was able to keep her private practice going in the months following her son’s birth, shares a super cool iPad app she uses in her adapted lessons, and much more. Tamara is a Toronto-based Music Therapist and Piano Teacher. She holds an Associateship in Piano Performance is a Registered Music Teacher. She also holds an Honours Bachelor of Music Therapy Degree with Internship from the University of Windsor, and is an Accredited Music Therapist. She has specialized in teaching piano and providing adapted lessons to children, adolescents, adults, and to individuals with special needs for over 15 years. In her Music Therapy practice, she specializes in working with children and adolescents with neurological and developmental delays. For show notes from this episode, visit