Saint Louis Live!

WAL! - Virtual Happy Hour with Tom Halaska, River Kittens



Virtual Happy Hour Week 4 Welcome to back to another week of the most fun happy hour happening at home, our Virtual Happy Hour! This week, we once again have some awesome guests and music along with in addition to some tasty quarantine cocktails from our friends at STL Barkeep. For our first cocktail, a (sleeveless) Pat Gioia makes a Till vodka infusion using a French press and common violets that you can find in your own backyard, making this a perfect recipe if your quarantine resources are dwindling. Next, we chat with Tom Halaska of Well Being Brewing about their great selection of delicious and non-alcoholic brews and his process of building a brand. Don’t let a pandemic stop you from trying them as you can have them delivered from your local grocery store! Matt Longueville brings us our next quarantine cocktail made with bourbon, fresh blueberries, and honey. Matt recommends enjoying this cocktail while sitting on your porch (6 feet away from others, of course). For our musical guest, we are joined by T