Grit And Grace

Beings From the Unseen Realm



Today, Tahverlee is joined by Abby Benjamin. Abby guides others back to their unique soul essence. She is a channel for divine inspiration, an avenue for soul reclamation, and a catalyst for deep transformation.Abby spent her twenties riding the waves of spiritual awakening while building careers in the mainstream world. Though she had many successes, she eventually began feeling that her soul had a different calling, one that serves people in a direct and transformative way. Much of her awakening was marked by challenging interactions with entities in the unseen realm, leading her to develop many skills for navigating worlds beyond the veil. Abby’s interaction with unseen beings began after she moved to the mountains of Colorado and began to see different spirits with eyes open. She developed a relationship with one being who called himself her guardian angel. Although Abby considered herself to be open-minded, this was her first experience with an unseen being, and it helped to open her up spiritually. She