Grit And Grace

Life is Art



Today, Tahverlee is joined by Whitney Freya. Whitney is a modern-day mystic and an expert in Inspired Living, providing practical tools and practices that free your mind from limitations and expand your sense of possibility and overall wellness. Whitney's transformational journey started in 1996 when she opened her first art studio with zero art training! She had a profound sense that she was supposed to do something different with her life. Since then, she has been committed to creating her own inspired life and helping others to do the same. Whitney believes that what we spend our most attention on and where we send our intention (often without awareness) is truly what determines our life experience.Whitney approaches the canvas as a practice to focus on creating what she wants more of in her life. She begins with painting words of intention onto the canvas and then layers art over it. Whitney surrounds herself with her art because she believes that original art is alive and has energy. When you create art