Grit And Grace

Death is the Greatest Expression of Love



Today, Tahverlee is joined by Shannon Danielle. Shannon is a medium and spiritual guide who helps us explore death and grieving. To Shannon, love never ends; after physical death, the way that we communicate just changes. Tahverlee is very thankful for the gift of Shannon Danielle and her friendship! Even though they are located far apart, the crystalline energy grid always brings Tahverlee and Shannon face-to-face when they talk. Their connection was very profound from the first time they met, and Tahverlee knew she had met a soul mate, especially when Shannon called her Tah-Tah!Shannon is gifted with the ability to communicate with Spirit, including Mediumship, Medical Intuition, Life Guidance, Spiritual Growth, and ever-changing limitless moments, affirming that love is the foundation of all. She believes that the communication of Spirit transcends all of our human experiences, connecting us to the core, as the true universal center that we each share grounded in love. This connection to those we love who