Starseed Radio Academy

Answering the Call of Your Spirit



Heidi has been a practitioner in counselling, energy medicine techniques, and teaching for more than 30 years. She has achieved recognition as an expert in traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and healing the soul back to wholeness. Heidi believes that by supporting one person at a time to remember the light of their soul, this has a ripple effect within that person’s family and community that brings further illumination and peace.  Her book, Answering the Call of Your Spirit, was published in 2021 in Canada. Her most significant education has been through her world travels and learning from various Elders of different indigenous peoples who encouraged her to share the ways of returning home to one’s truth and one’s soul. Heidi has been given guidance and support from various Native Elders in Canada and the United States, and from many Elders in South America, Africa, Egypt, Israel, New Zealand and Australia. Heidi McBratney brings a depth of wisdom, insight, compassion, and encouragement that enables her to