Starseed Radio Academy

Sparkle Shamelessly!



Lainie Love Dalby is a Galactic Rainbow Shamaness on a passionate mission to free Human Spirits that have been told they’re either “too much” or “not enough” to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® for the good of all and step into their authentic power & sovereignty. She’s a direct descendant of the Celtic Shamans, Druids & Iceni Warrior Womenand a trailblazer of woman’s spirituality and empowerment, #1 bestselling author, transformational speaker and retreat facilitator, holy ceremonialist, shamanic healing artist, the cosmic creatrix of the new Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle and the founder of the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy that offers training for personal & planetary transformation. As a spiritual thought leader with her own flavor of multimedia ministry, she is using daring style, deep substance and Divine #SOULSPARKLE to dismantle old systems, ideas, and ways of being that promote separateness and limit our full (r)evolutionary potential, so that we can come wildly & unapologetically ALIVE. Ulti