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Episode 170: The Heckin' Best - The Pit & PG: Psycho Goreman



Haters can frig off, because we're visiting the deep hole in the woods where we're keeping our monster friends!  We watched The Pit & PG: Psycho Goreman! Sources: The Pit (1981) Film historian commentary with Paul Corupe and Jason Pichonsky "Interview with Jeannie Elias", BluRay featurette "Interview with Sam Snyders", BluRay featurette "Interview with Ian A. Stuart", BluRay featurette   PG: Psycho Goreman (2020) Writer/Director commentary with Steven Kostanski "One-on-One: An Interview with the Director", BluRay featurette "Interviews with the Cast", BluRay featurette "Interview with Adam Brooks", BluRay featurette "Kortex: A Konversation", BluRay featurette "The Music of PG", BluRay featurette "Fight Choregoraphy", BluRay featurette "Minature Magic", BluRay featurette "Inside the Creature Shop", BluRay featurette