Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#181: Limiting beliefs getting you down? How I worked through mine when I first started my business...



We’ve all been there... that eternal battle of what you desire and your limiting beliefs going head to head.    One of the most frustrating things about being human is genuinely how we can struggle to get over what feels like our own self imposed hurdles and roadblocks.    Please know though, that we all have them - nothing is wrong with you.    One concept that has really helped me over the years is that whenever I find myself spiraling in a pool of my own insecurities, doubt, and fear I change up how I am approaching the situation with myself.   I believe our energy flows where our focus goes. If I am spending my time, energy and attention on questioning if something is possible, or if I have what it takes, I am going to be met with lots of hesitation, fear, doubt and stories that reinforce that idea. Instead I ask myself how, how am I going to do this, how does something like this get done.    It might seem small, but asking how instead of if, completely changes how you approach a situation. You spend more