Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#180: Why you should listen to that pull to change



Have you been feeling this pull (or maybe a push) to change things up?    Whether that be starting a new routine, creating a new offer, shifting how you do things in your business or even starting something new altogether, fall often brings a feeling of wanting something fresh.    What we need to learn is to listen to that pull, as it is our intuition guiding us in the direction we need to be moving in.   Even if some of this change might mean starting something new or starting over, we need to remember that we’re never really starting over. Every time we begin a new project, business, routine, offer or even way of living, we are building upon what we’ve already experienced, learned and who we’ve become in the process.    Change can be scary, but it’s necessary for growth and innovation.    On this week's podcast episode we dive more into this concept and talk about different ways to approach and look at where this desire for change is coming from, how you can go about it in a way that feels good and why we’r