Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#179: Your lack of motivation… is it you, is it your business, is it something else?



Have you been feeling a little ‘meh’ lately?    If you have been, you’re not alone. Lots of people I have been chatting with have been feeling the same.    While there are many different factors that play into our energy and engagement levels, a few I wanted to highlight today are comparable to relationship advice we routinely hear.    You’re going to have a honeymoon stage in your business and at some point, like every relationship, the mundane will start to kick in. Now this doesn’t mean the fun is over, it simply means you have to intentionally infuse more spark into your work.    That’s often why people try out new projects or offers, they are looking to keep the excitement alive in their business.   And as with relationships, we all change. If you and your business are able to change and adapt together, it’ll work out. As you grow and learn and connect with yourself more, you’re bound to go through some growing pains transition wise with your work.    On this week's podcast episode we dive more into this