Arcola Podcast

10 Minutes With... Robin Hooper, writer of Broken Lad



Richard Speir interviews Robin Hooper about Broken Lad, coming soon to Arcola Outside. Above a pub in North London, Phil waits to go on stage. As he laments his dwindling career, his son Josh arrives believing that his dad harbours a damaging secret. With the gig hour nearing, past misdemeanours catch up with the family. Tonight, Phil’s career might not be the only thing in tatters. Robin Hooper is a prolific and lauded playwright (Queer Fish, Battersea Arts Centre - Critics Choice, Time Out, Whats On), who returns to Arcola following Not the Love I Cry For (2006). This world premiere is directed by Richard Speir whose previous work at Arcola includes Gentlemen (2020) and Spun (2018). Broken Lad opens on 13 October, part of Today I'm Wiser →