We Are Superman

Last Things First with Cat Bradley THE WASP 13



In The Hive this week is world class runner, Cat Bradley. David and Cat have an amazing talk about running, happiness, DNF and what it takes to make your dreams come true. Cat also opens up about hiking the Appalachian Trail at just 19 years old, dealing with injury, finishing dead last place in a 100 mile race and eventually shocking the world by winning on the biggest stage in ultrarunning- the Western States 100. This conversation has everything you need to feed your inner warrior. Last Things First THE WASP 13You can reach David here: Twitter / Instagram @WeAreSuperman www.wearesuperman.com Reach Cat here: Instagram @catberadFacebook www.facebook.com/catberad/For CBD Oil Go to http://www.wearesuperman.com/we-are-superman-podcast.html