The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show

Speaker Success TV Is Must See TV



Over the years Paul has spoken to numerous audiences and the question he hears more than any other is, "Do you ever get nervous when you speak?" Interesting question to say the least and Paul's response is, "I get nervous if I don't have an audience to speak to." Paul Lawrence Vann shares insight on being founder and creative director of Speaker Success TV, a video library that provides content rich information and expertise on what it takes to overcome the #1 fear in the world, embarrassing ones self while delivering a public speech and stagefright. Paul is an international speaker, speaking coach, trainer, consultant and author of Living on Higher Ground. During this episode Paul shares a behind the scenes look at why people have a fear of public speaking, shares strategies to overcome embarrassing yourself while speaking and shares tools and techniques to overcome stagefright. Tune in to learn how you can become the best speaker you can be and position yourself to become a professional speaker. Visit Speak