Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#5 - Distractions, Living in the Now, Human Horse Balance Healing Foundation



The key to functioning at high levels is in clearing our mind of distractions. At Human Horse Balance Healing Foundation in Center Conway, New Hampshire, one must also clear the mind of distractions when working with horses, as horses live in the here and now. They have no past or present. Paula Lambie is a healer, Reiki master and a veritable horse whisperer. Paula brings together her special knowledge of horses with people in need of healing, whether veterans with PTSD, children with autism and everything in between. Thom ventures out to meet Paula and to be introduced to her very special horses. Music in the episode is from the Free Music Archive, featuring the music of Metyu, VKTRD & Ondro M., a band out of Slovakia on the Radio Bunker label. Go to YouTube to find a clip of the innovative band. For more information on Paula and her horses, go to For more information about Thom visit his webpage at Support the show (