Cooper Brunner Podcast

#4 Effective and Optimal Approach to Muscle Building and Muscle Strength for High-Performing Athletes



Your brain is sophisticated; it will only recruit as many muscle fibers as are needed to raise the weight.You can’t trick it.For maximum gains, you must raise the weight at a speed that forces the muscles to perform all the work.  No bouncing, no cheat reps or jerking your body position. If you cheat on reps and use heavy weight you can’t handle, the message sent to the brain recruits fewer muscle fibers.For example, while performing a leg curl, pause in the legs flexed position. Any bounce indicates that the muscle performs little work through that range of motion.Hamstring problems happen when the muscles around it aren’t fully developed through any range where momentum contributes to the action.If you are trying to build strength, momentum on each rep isn’t going to create gains, slow and controlled movements have proven to optimize strength and muscle building.After being in the contraction position, it’s important to emphasize the lowering of the weight. Due to gravity, it is easier to lower the weight.