Fvs Podcasts

Solvency Opinions



Guests: Craig Jacobson, MBA and Jevon Thomas, CPA, CFE, CAMS This podcast will engage the audience in detailed discussion on specific Solvency Opinions topics as a continuation from the Solvency Evaluation in Fraudulent Transfer Actions  webcast.  Topics for discussion: Understand differences between Valuation and Solvency Opinions Discuss recent COVID-19 industry impacts (e.g., High-end Retail, Restaurant, Entertainment, Hotels) on Solvency Opinions Discuss Solvency Opinions within the legal and regulatory environment The episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Forensic and Valuation Services Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing forensics, valuation, fraud, fair value and damages and by the CFF Credential and ABV Credential programs which allow AICPA members to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online at www.aicpa.org/fvs to join our community and gain access to v