John Rosemberg Podcast




Ayiti have suffered for over 500 years. Many Haitian have suffered from Stockholm Syndromes . The US Government haven’t been our friends. They have systematically targeted Haiti throughout the century. Thru poison embargo, C’our De E’tat , diseases, and religious Beliefs. They have stolen our birthrights, lands , and natural resources. This is why the US Government will collapse very soon . This government have done many bad deeds around the world. Haiti is very special place spiritually this is why the European countries have subdued us thru religious Beliefs. In the book of Hosea it’s stated “ My people are perished for lack of knowledge “ . God is going to established his new Kingdom in Ayiti. Unfortunately most of us are unaware of this prophecy. A lot those Christian think is going to be Israel. No those people are not the chosen people. It’s Haitian who truly the chosen people contrary to popular beliefs. Haitian shouldn’t be dismayed or discouraged. God is going to redeemed our people. “ WE GOT NEXT “