Momentum With Brook Belden

Hannah: My Birthday Twin! Exploring Real Life Similarities and Differences with a Similar Chart



Y’all! This episode is a treat! It’s absolutely a treat for me and I hope a treat for you as well. You see on this day, September 13 it is my 40th birthday! But it’s not just my birthday. It’s also the exact same birthday as our guest Hannah Weisburg. Happy Birthday Hannah. Funny enough, that is how I first connected to Hannah. She came recommended to me as someone to meet, so I connected with her on Instagram. Shortly after she shared a post right around our birthday so this was one of the first things I knew about her. While we didn’t end up meeting until a year and a half later, when we did, it was CRAZY how many similarities there were in our life stories. We both got married around the same time, had our first child around the same time, and experienced some major business fallouts at the same time which inevitably led to some major business WINS at the same time. When we uncovered all of this, I just knew that she had to be a guest on the podcast so that I could see the similarities in our chart. And ye