Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Homeschooling: Spending more time as a family :Durenda Wilson: 251



Have you wondered what the benefits of homeschooling are? Today I have mom of 8, author, and homeschooling mom Durenda Wilson back on the show. Today we are talking about her new book Four Hour School Day and how homeschooling was such a blessing to her and her family. She talked about working with your child's interest and passions for an enjoyable learning experience.  Also, Durenda shares with us how we can help our kids learn to be more curious and allow them to be more independent when it comes to their learning so that you have more time.  One topic that stood out to me is when Durenda was sharing with us how she is close to all 8 of her kids and she truly believes it's because of the time she spent with them homeschooling. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the 4 part series I did on homeschooling, click HERE   I am now a certified life coach and wanting to help moms beyond the podcast! Are you living a life too small f