Women In The Business Arena

Growth is a Removal Process | Growth Tip #1



Welcome back to a new season of Women in the Business Arena! I’m so excited to spend this season exploring a topic that’s extremely personal and powerful to me. As entrepreneurs, we’re taught to always be growing: growing our client base, growing our offers, growing our profits. But for so many of us, “bigger” and “better” are actually opposites! Regular co-host and mental health expert Laura Shook-Guzman brings her insight back to our mic, as we introduce you to the possibilities we access when we let go of excess, dissolve old patterns, and remove what no longer serves us. Join us as we discuss:  The real freedom that comes from removing the patterns that no longer serve us. The pressure the business world puts on women entrepreneurs to keep others happy, and never, ever set down a responsibility. Paying attention to the messages our bodies and minds send when we need to simplify. Why it’s so important to be thoughtful about where we’re directing our energy, our time, and our attention. Where can you f