Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Rich Saunders



This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. The Salt Lake Chamber’s Community Partner of the Year, Rich Saunders, is Utah’s first Chief Innovation Officer. We’re excited he’s here to tell us more about upcoming innovations. RICH SAUNDERS As the former director of the Utah Department of Health, I’m honored to receive the Salt Lake Chamber’s Community Partner of the Year award. The unified efforts of the Chamber and my distinguished colleagues at the Department of Health have positively affected the lives of countless Utahns throughout one of the most challenging times in our history. In my newly appointed role as our state’s first Chief Innovation Officer, I am working with many leaders across our great state to ensure the Cox/Henderson administration fulfills its promise to make state government more efficient, innovative, and responsive to every resident. For example, over the next several years we will be consolidating more than 400 state government websites into a single entrance point so Utahns can seaml