Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Most of the time, I lie to myself. EP 130



There’s this funny thing that happens for me in almost every situation; I subconsciously rank myself against everyone around me. Am I smarter than them or they smarter than me? Do they have it figured out or do I have it figured out? Are they right or am I right? Am I better than them or am I less than them? The reality is, this is a sneaky way for my subconscious to wrestle certainty out of life. Now, I would never have been aware of this much less admitted it if I was. If you asked me, do you think you’re better than or less than other people, I would tell you unequivocally no. We’re all equal and most of my actions would show this. However, underneath the surface, deep in the subconscious, I’m constantly trying to wrestle joy, satisfaction, and certainty out of life by “knowing”. Often, the roots lie in deep insecurity for me. I am constantly trying to figure out if I matter. If I’m enough. If I’ve made good decisions. If I’m going in the right direction. If I have it figured out or if I’m totally clueless