Climbing With Scars

#74: Not Who, But How



In a world now where the term “entrepreneur” seems trendy, cool and a label many use to self describe, I talk this week about how it’s not the Who, but the How. When it comes to entrepreneurship people often focus on the personality, the glamour or who that person is, however the common thread amongst entrepreneurs is not what they’ve achieved but how they go about their business and how they do things, every day as part of their DNA. Whether it is Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson or the local successful entrepreneur in your own community, how they approach their passion and ply their trade is the common trait I see in entrepreneurs and these are the key traits that separate the real entrepreneurs from the rest. Join me this week on Climbing With Scars to hear my take on “how” entrepreneurs go about life is more important than “who” they arrive to be.