The Busy Creator Podcast With Prescott Perez-fox - Conversations On Creative Culture, Workflow & Productivity

Productivity Habits: Examining Ourselves and Taking Steps Toward Better Effectiveness with Author & Consultant Ben Elijah – The Busy Creator Podcast 66



Ben Elijah (@inkandben) is a consultant in the productivity sector and author of the book The Productivity Habits. In this conversation, we dig into the productivity sector as a whole, and discuss his origins as an author and as a not-very-productive person. The Productivity Habits, by Ben Elijah This episode is oddly self-referential, as we, two productivity nerds, talk about how bad we are with our own habits, and about how we continually struggle to stay productive — at least in our own eyes. Ben writes and speaks about the topic, which is an ongoing struggle for all of us. You’ll learn some of Ben’s tested habits and techniques you can use to get started down the road toward better effectiveness. Catch up with Ben via his site, Show Notes & Links In case you’ve forgotten, The Busy Creator discusses Tools, Techniques, and Habits Ben admits that he came to focus on productivity because he’s “very bad at it” Getting Things Done by David Allen On Amazon and On Audible The Productivity Hab