

Lindsay Katt (@LindsayKatt) is a multi-faceted artist & musician based in New York. Her musical work spans several genres across the pop & rock sectors, in addition to work for television and film. Our discussion meanders a bit on the nature of art, cycles and seasons of creative work, the songwriting process — if there is one — and how creative pros can possibly keep up with today’s wacky world of social media. Keep up with Lindsay via her many social media outlets, or on her website, Lindsay Katt Music   Show Notes & Links Lindsay Katt’s website describes her as an Artist, Musician, Painter, Thinker, Tinkerer, Hugger, Dreamer, Lover, Maker … Still Deciding, and Ever Changing. Lindsay wants to “do all the things” She’s also a producer, director, merry-maker “Really well-done DIY is learning how to hire people more talented than you” ← Click to Tweet Art-shame culture; thinking “art isn’t a real job” Lindsay worked three different day-jobs to pay her way through school (studying psychology &